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Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

News - P7

27th Jun 2024
Well done to everyone who took part in Art Week, we had some fantastic creations. ...
26th Jun 2024
To celebrate our P7's time at school, Holy Trinity held a leavers mass in St Michael's...
21st Jun 2024
Tús maith, leath na hoibre! Our school recently received a ‘silver...
20th Jun 2024
A group of P7s got to take part in a BBC Interactive Exhibition at Enniskillen Castle. ...
19th Jun 2024
On sports day the weather was changeable so staff and children had to dodge the showers...
18th Jun 2024
Our P7 classes went to 'Lets go Hydro' and 'We are Vertigo' for their end of year...
11th Jun 2024
Our P3 classes, teachers and teaching assistants dressed up as a fairy tale character...
10th Jun 2024
D'fhreastail muid ar bhronnadh i nDóire inniu, mar chuid den scéim...
10th Jun 2024
On Monday morning the PSNI held an Online Safety talk for our P7 pupils. They talked...
6th Jun 2024
Last week our KS2 AR millionaires were treated to a lovely book event where they...