Principal's Welcome
You are very welcome to our school website, through your visit I hope you gain a good insight into the life of our school.
Holy Trinity is an inclusive learning community striving to meet the needs of everyone. To achieve this we aim to build on the good practice that already exists in the school and to develop new initiatives so that our children receive the best education we can offer them.
As a catholic school we strive to develop each child to their full potential in a community where everyone is valued, nurtured and cherished and where the self esteem and dignity of everyone is promoted.
If you are unable to find the information you require on this website please contact the school for further assistance.
Brian Treacy
Take a tour of Holy Trinity Primary & Nursery School, Enniskillen
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EA recommends that you list at least four pre-schools or primary schools in the order of your preference. Make sure you read carefully through the published admissions criteria for the pre-school settings and schools you are considering before submitting your application.
For more information on the application process, visit: #EAadmissions
Holy Trinity Primary & Nursery School Enniskillen has so much to offer, in addition to excellent academic provision and outstanding Pastoral Care๐
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