Access Keys:

Holy Trinity Primary School Ennikillen

Help and advice for families in a digital world

Digital Parenting
Useful tips on
parenting in a
digital world
Live Streaming - Guide
Parent link - a
Short guide to live
Parent Info:
Help and advice in a
digital world, a
CEOP & Parentzone
SBNI Online Safety Hub
An Online Safety
Strategy led by the
Department of

Think You Know
Nine ways of making
your connected home
more secure
Think You Know
Information and
advice on 'Keeping
children safe
Think You Know Online Safety At Home pack
Activities for
parents and carers
to use at home
UK Safer Internet
Together for a
better Internet
Wayne Denner - Healthy Screen Time
Tips for Parents

The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.
Safer Schools NI App